英语笔记6:Just a Reminder

Good morning. Just a reminder that paper & Styrofoam are not allowed in the cold room.

There are a number of paper boxes, a Styrofoam shipper and several Styrofoam tube holders in the cold room.

Please remove these today.

Many thanks!


Just a reminder that,仅仅是一个提醒,后面跟一个从句;

be not allowed,不被允许/be allowed,被允许;

There are a number of,有许多,美国人貌似不喜欢用many,而常用 a number of ;

paper boxes,纸盒子/Styrofoam shipper,泡沫塑料盒子/Styrofoam tube holders,泡沫塑料管架;

Many thanks!,非常感谢,美国人很少用Thank you so much

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